Provisional-LPC FAQs
Application for Provisional-LPC Instructions
Please print the following instructions for your reference as you continue the P-LPC online application process. When you have reviewed all 11 steps, you will be provided a link to begin the process.
Steps to Apply for Provisional-LPC (P-LPC)
Before beginning the P-LPC Application, you must have taken and passed the National Counselor Exam (NCE) from the National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. (NBCC). Once you have taken and passed the NCE, follow the steps for P-LPC.
- 1. Secure a Board Qualified Supervisor. A list is provided on this website.
- 2. Set up an Applicant Profile. This will allow you to access the P-LPC Application and Supervisory Agreement.
- 3. Enter into a Supervisory Agreement with Board qualified supervisor (LPC-S). Login to your new profile by using the email address and password you created. Select the App Info tab and scroll to Part III to complete the Post-Grad Supervisory Agreement.
- 4. Upload Supervision Contract to the Supervisory Agreement in App Info. Contract is obtained from LPC-S and signed by you and your LPC-S.
- 5. Upload Declaration of Practices to the Supervisory Agreement in App Info. A copy of your Declaration of Practices must be uploaded with application. It must be reviewed and approved by your LPC-S. Sample Declaration of Practices available here.
- 6. Complete P-LPC Application. Available to you after you have completed steps 1 – 5 above and accessed in your profile in App Info.
- 7. Submit P-LPC Application Fee. Upon completion of Steps 1- 6 you will be directed to pay the Application Fee through your Application Profile.
- 8. Request Transcript. Request Official Transcript(s) from an approved educational institution verifying educational qualifications. Only the graduate-level transcripts are required. The official transcript(s) should be sent directly to the Board via eScrip to or mailed to the Board sealed in an envelope and signed or stamped across the envelope's seal by the transcript clerk issuing the document to the applicant at the address found in the Board Information tab.
- 9. Request Official NCE Scores. Official NCE score report must be submitted directly to the Mississippi LPC Board from the National Board for Certified Counselors, Inc. (NBCC)
- 10. Request Fingerprint Card for Background Check. Request card and remit Background Check Processing Fee of $50 through your Applicant File. The Board will mail you a customized card for you to submit to Mississippi Criminal Information Center. (MCIC) This fee is paid at the same time the application fee is remitted. Fingerprint cards cannot be requested outside of completion of application.
- 11. Submit Fingerprint Card directly to MCIC. Fingerprint images must be submitted directly to the Mississippi Criminal Information Center on the customized card mailed to you. (Instructions will be included with the customized card.)
Are you ready to begin the P-LPC process? Yes
Declaration of Practices Sample
- Verification of Licensure in Other Jurisdiction - See FAQ #2
- If you are applying for licensure in MS and currently hold a license in another state, submit this form to the state where you hold a license to practice Professional Counseling.
- Mississippi does not have a reciprocal agreement with other states; therefore you must meet all MS requirements. You must also complete the MS application and submit along with the application ALL supporting documents. (i.e. supervision verification forms, transcripts, scores, etc.)
- Verification of MS Professional Counselor License
- -Third Parties - This form is to be used by third parties requesting Verification of MS License. (You must save the file to your desktop with the name of LPC in the filename and when sending request via email.) Faxed requests are not acceptable.
- -MS LPC - If you are a MS LPC or have been in the past, you may request verification of your MS Professional Counselor License through the Online Payment tab in your profile. There is a $25 fee for the verification to be sent to another state licensing Board.
- Request for Mailing Labels
- The MS LPC Board will no longer offer mailing lists for purchase.
- Address Change Form (Can now be made in your profile. - Login)
- Use this form to change address, phone, or email.
- Name Change Request
- Use this form to request name change on license.
- Replacement Wall Certificate Request