Today is:
Please verify that the complaint you are about to file is against a Licensed Professional Counselor or Provisional-Licensed Professional Counselor by using the Verify License below. If the person is not found, please do not file a complaint using this online system.
The person is promoting or advertising themselves as a Licensed Professional Counselor or Provisional-Licensed Professional Counselor. If that is the case, you may file a complaint with this Board, but you must include documentation of that promotion or advertisement. Click Here to file this type of complaint
Please verify that the complaint you are about to file is against a Licensed Professional Counselor or Provisional-Licensed Professional Counselor by using the Verify License below. If the person is not found, please do not file a complaint using this online system.
The person is promoting or advertising themselves as a Licensed Professional Counselor or Provisional-Licensed Professional Counselor. If that is the case, you may file a complaint with this Board, but you must include documentation of that promotion or advertisement. Click Here to file this type of complaint